July 14, 2016

Armageddon Re-envisioned

Reprint of an essay called The Shootings in San Bernardino: Another View written by James V. Schall, S.J. on December 6, 2015. (Part 2 of 2)

As long as we choose (and it is a choice) not to identify the problem the more successful it is and the more it will grow. That growth may indeed be the reason it is not identified. The deeper problem lies in the truth of Islam’s mission to conquer the world for Allah. If it is true that the Qur’an is a revelation of God, then it will eventually win. Even if it is not true or from God, and I do not think it is, in Christian apocalyptic terms it may win anyway. If our view of the world remains cast in terms of relativism, diversity theory, and pacifism, we will have no clue about what is happening. We must admire [even in fear] the logic and abiding persistence within Islam to continue its centuries-long, Allah-given mission to conquer the world.
Many Muslim countries are “peaceful” only in the sense that their governments, usually military dictatorships, keep down the radicalism that would overthrow them and is overthrowing them in many places. In no actual Muslim country is there any real freedom of religion. Whenever and wherever possible, all or part of Muslim law is established as civil law.
One can speculate about why we cannot understand the problem within Islam, and therefore not face its real attraction for its millions of followers. Nevertheless, everyone seems to be waiting to see who is winning. Even Muslims know that they cannot afford to be on the losing side.
The present strategy of ISIS and its followers seems clear enough. The following steps or remarks seem most plausible:
1) Gain control of governments and armies within present Islamic states.
2) Eliminate all Christian, Jewish, and other religious elements, including their buildings and records, from within existing Muslim states.
3) Place as many Muslims, especially young males, in European countries and other countries as possible.
4) Continue to produce large numbers of children so that demographic and democratic processes will provide increasing majorities in towns, cities, and nations.
5) Make every city and area on earth, from Mumbai to San Bernardino, the object of incidents of terror both on a systematic and random basis, preferably both.
6) Ensure that enough followers are found in most western countries that are willing to sacrifice their lives to carry this project out in the coming years.
7) Create an atmosphere that makes it difficult to stem the Muslim conquest.
8) Undermine and convert to your use all police and military operations left remaining to oppose a final conquest.
Granted, due to the speed of their success, the confusion of those who resist, and the deliberate blindness of its opposition, ISIS and its sympathizers have a reasonable hope of final success at least in Europe and possibly America. Russia, China, and India may take longer, but they will ultimately have to be dealt with. All three of these countries already have met Muslim invasions or turmoil, and their nationalist or religious unity may prove more difficult to counter. They are, when provoked, less likely to stand by confused and relatively helpless.
And one last caveat, from Howard Kainz’ essay “Christians as ‘Soft Targets”: “The combination of the surrender to modernism in the ‘developed world’ and Christians’ helpless exposure to violence and subjugation in Muslim-dominated regions leads to a possible alternative vision of Armageddon and victory: a final martyrdom of the Church.” The Church has no armies. Who will defend her?
My Thoughts:
The religious intolerance made compulsory by Islam won't come quickly in America, but the irony is it will be the result of our capacity for religious acceptance. Our lives are being changed forever by the creeping gradualism of social and ethical tolerance required of our populations by those who are promoting the common good.
When we do loose our freedom, it won't be through the on-slot of tanks and guns, it will be because we have let freedom slip away while listening to others tell us it's for our own good! Unfortunately, in this scenario, losing our freedom means losing our way of life, and probably our lives.
The whole idea that in this country, little by little, our freedom is being eroded probably sounds unbelievable. America might truly be the greatest country in the world, but it's time to recognize that it is in serious trouble.