June 14, 2014

It's Up to You

What's the Government Afraid of: Why the Founding Fathers would be shocked. Part 4 of 5
In addition to being trained it’s important to be prepared, and for now I am convinced that all of the firearm regulations combined are not going to keep my family safe, on the street or at home. I know this sounds paranoid to some, but I am still convinced that "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns". A few minutes of careful thought is all it takes to realize this isn’t as crazy as it sounds! How well has the government kept drugs off the street? How well has the government secured the boarders? What has the government been able to do about human trafficking? What has the government done to protect our water or food supplies? How safe is the power grid or the internet for that matter?
What makes anyone think that the government will be any more successful at keeping weapons off the street! Taking firearms away from law abiding citizens is not going to prevent gun violence. We, including those who champion gun control, will simply be more vulnerable because those who don’t follow the law will still be able to purchase guns. Especially in times of natural and manmade disasters, law abiding citizens need to be armed and prepared to give others time to change the system that created the mess. If we aren't, the outlaws will have all the power and they'll simply over run our unarmed barricades.
Today as a result of strongly held beliefs and partisan infighting, our government is slowly losing its grip on the ability to function, let alone govern The People. This isn't just in our nation’s capital; it's infecting our states, counties, and cities. While I would hope never to need an AR-15 I am concerned that someday the lack of a semi-automatic rifle may inhibit my ability to protect myself and my family in an extended crisis. Because there will always be a lot of firearms out there, those who cower in their bedrooms with a baseball bat and those who bring a knife to a gun fight will not be able to protect themselves, their families, or their friends; and NO they will not be able to defend their nation either.