February 28, 2015

February 14, 2015

None of the Above

Democracy and the Death of Choice: Why the liberal struggle for a better world will fail. Part 2 of 6
My concern is that the world seems to be moving in both of these directions at once, and my worry is that it is inevitable. It’s a very subtle movement, almost imperceptible to those who are not paying attention. It happens daily, sometimes in secret and sometimes publically touted as “for our own good”. Unfortunately we’re all so busy living our daily lives that these changes go unnoticed, or at least uncontested, and in our own defense corporations and the government are skilled at using the media to distract us with “other stuff”.
When concerned citizens do notice what’s going on and challenge the system they are labeled as activists or trouble makers, or worse yet terrorists. These challenges and concerns eventually go away and the government or corporations go back to “business as usual”. The choices that we are losing are not just the right to choose “one of the above” or “all of the above”; it’s also the right to choose “none of the above”.
How you feel about the issues isn’t as important as the fact you no longer have any choice about the issues. We’re losing the option to say, “I don’t agree and will not comply with this requirement to fill in the blank”. We’re being forced to comply with laws that limit our actions (like the right to keep and bear arms) while at the same time we’re being forced to comply with laws that require our actions (like the acceptance of abortion). Notice how you feel about either or both of these issues, and what you’re willing to do or give up to make it right.